Posts Tagged ‘1946’

Two short stories, with thanks to Baen

November 28th, 2008

It’s refreshing to find stories on the web. Thanks to Baen’s great collection of sf online (and via wikipedia), I was able to read two short stories online recently. No tracking down anthologies!

Both are stories of the conflict of humans and technology, and I recommend them both. They’re very different, and I don’t know if it’s the difference of a decade, or just happenstance, that humans get the upperhand in one case, and technology dominates in the other.

I discovered A Logic Named Joe from an article about the semantic web, from Issue 4 (September/October 2008), page 23 [PDF] of Talis’ Nodalities.

Folk singer and filk singer Kathy Mar recommended The Cold Equations during an interview [at 3:59 of my interview, MP3]. Kathy also mentions that there’s a song based on the short story. Know any more? The closest song that I can find is really pretty different.

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