YouTube “I dislike this” button

November 14th, 2011
by jodi

A few weeks ago, I noticed something new on YouTube: an “I dislike this” button.

I wonder how long that’s been there?


When I talk about online argumentation, a frequent comment is “too bad there’s only +1 and Like; we need more expressivity”.

See related discussions:

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Posted in argumentative discussions, information ecosystem, PhD diary, social web | Comments (1)

  • marijane says:

    I think it’s been there for a while, commenting on dislike counts has even become a thing on YouTube, especially if the likes greatly outweigh the dislikes. (“# people don’t know what good music is”, etc.) I actually think it’s improved the overall tone of comments on YT, I’ve noticed less bickering.

    One of my favorite things about Ravelry is that it included both agree and disagree buttons on posts from the start. That said, some people find disagrees so upsetting, they had to give folks an option to hide them from view.

    A friend of mine claims the lack of negative feedback interfaces is actually based in a philosophy called Radical Positivity or something like that.